Introduction The following bash script is pretty simple. It generates a CSV that lists, for each user, all the roles given to them and in which resources. It’s great for doing IAM reviews. Note: if, for example, a user has access to a project, this scripts only lists the role granted at the project level….
Category: BlueTeam
Configs Vulneráveis Comuns em Stacks Google (GCP + Workspace)
Essa talk foi apresentada na B-Sides SP 2022, que ocorreu no dia 20/11/2022. Todo o conteúdo está disponível aqui: Link direto do Docs: Views: 119
Splunk – How to deal with delayed events in Alerts
If you’re using Splunk for Alerting, there is a problem that can occur where an event: Is generated before a scheduled search is executed But is only received after the search is done This will mean that: The scheduled search that should inspect the time-frame where the event was generated will not find the event,…
How to run your own realistic Phishing Campaign easily and on a budget.
Phishing campaigns are useful for training your employees against common techniques (if you’re on the blue side) or to get some cr3ds (if you’re on the red side). This post is geared towards those on the blue side of things, but it can also be useful for red teamers and pentesters. The techniques and tools…