GCP-Pentest-Lab – A reproducible cloud pentesting lab in GCP

During the year 2023, I was a Cloud Security lecturer at FIAP. Long story short, It was an amazing experience. However, when we got to the more “red-team” parts of the course, I had trouble finding educational resources. I wanted a pentesting lab that would allow my students to exploit real-world misconfigurations, without the usual…

Pomerium – How to install on GKE, from zero to hero

Hello! I have been using (and loving) Pomerium Enterprise for the past few months. Do you have an application that doesn’t have adequate access control or logging? Then Pomerium is the tool for you. It is an incredibly powerful and versatile zero-trust proxy (and no, that’s not a buzzword in this case). This guide will…

GCP – How to automatically export backups (MySQL and instances) to other places (AWS, Offline, etc…)

GCP has a pretty good backup system which is really easy to configure. For instances, you can schedule automatic snapshots and also convert theses snapshots to images whenever you want.For MySQL databases (not sure about the other types) you can schedule backups which are stored in a neat “full backup + incremental backups” to save…